Saturday, August 05, 2006

crumbs and crumbling

the fence came down. funny, i said. why? someone behind me asked. because it was a two thousand dollar fence, i answered. but it's much nicer this way. it was only paperthin anyway. so now they have invaded the other world. there was no stopping them after the fence came down. i found my dad underneath the neighbor's lemontrees. he said, they took the fence down so i could see further and talk to them. and obviously enjoy the shade beneath the trees. i looked left and right and only see burnt trimmed grass. no more concrete. a while ago i sat by the shallow pool on the far side of the yard, watching all kinds of scary spiders wander about. my sister who of course also had crossed the divide said i shouldn't be scared. why not, i can't remember. they did me no harm, the tarantulas, and the black widows, and other strange insects, but they crawled into my mind and made me feel uneasy.

and always i can feel his presence. one time it was him. he was one of three boys i was involved with. one i sent away sad. another i was with, but someone said, i am disappointed you are with this one, the short stocky one, the harker type. but wait, i boasted, you haven't seen the tall one, the one i am with on the other side. he is a real dracula. sports a red beard and is dark dark dark.

yet, don't harker and dracula share the same genes, are made of the same wood? now that the fence has come down they are able to interchange more freely than they could before.

and my dad enjoys the shade among the insect kingdom beneath the lemon trees.


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